- Reading Electronic Texts (ppt): York Writing Fellows made this PowerPoint as part of our CETL (Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning) presentation on “Teaching Strategies for Reading Electronic Texts” (u
Strategies to Help Students Respond to Academic Texts (pdf): (uploaded by Zhanna Kushmakova).…
Reading with Pen in Hand Activities (pdf): This handout lists a variety of “reading with pen in hand” activities and strategies to help students understand and engage with course readings (u
- Hoy-Healing Conceptual Blindness (pdf): This is an interesting work touching on the conceptual challenges students demonstrate in their understanding of course reading, especially as it relates to student’s use of evidence from readings in their own essay writing. Does not necessarily apply to all fields but the insights may be helpful in developing strategies (u
- Key Features of Complex Texts (docx): (u
- Horning-Reading Across the Curriculum (pdf): This article offers strategies for promoting critical literacy across the curriculum (u
- Teaching Strategies for Reading Electronic Texts (docx): Document contains slides from a PowerPoint presentation created by the Writing Fellows at York College for a CETL workshop on “Teaching Strategies for Reading Electronic Texts” (u