Writing Across the Curriculum at York College: NEW! Videos on YouTube created by a 2020-21 York Fellow featuring helpful tips for students on using sources, avoiding plagiarism, and arguing your thesis. (uploaded by E. Singer).
York College Info sheets on Writing Process
- York College WAC Fellows have developed a series of info sheets on writing process and a variety of writing issues, such as Organize Your Paper, Planning Your Introduction, Body and Conclusion, Developing Thesis Statement, etc.
Avoiding Plagiarism
- Integrating-Sources with Summary Paraphrase and Quotation: The WAC Fellows at the Murphy Institute created this leaflet explaining what are summary, paraphrase, and quotation, when to use them, as well as examples. This will be helpful to students who do not know how to correctly integrate sources and are thus in danger of plagiarism. (uploaded by Ting Zhang
- CUNY WAC Program on Plagiarism: The WAC Fellows at Hunter have developed a website on the Commons to serve as a centralized location for resources on plagiarism. There you can find a list of online editing sites and other resources (added by John McMahon).
APA, MLA, and Chicago Style Guides
- APA Style Purdue Writing Lab: a link to a comprehensive guide from OWL Writing Lab at Purdue University on using APA style.
- MLA Style Purdue Writing Lab: a link to a comprehensive MLA formatting and style guide from OWL Writing Lab at Purdue University.
- Chicago Style Purdue Writing Lab: a comprehensive formatting and style guide from the Chicago Manual of Style from OWL Writing Lab at Purdue University.